Conversation of an MTU Hunter

In my previous post, I talked about how I ended up in a system called Ahmak, and the lengths I went to in order to pop the single MTU I had found there. This post will detail my conversation with the Ahmak locals after this event, and the social experiences that followed thereafter.

In my opinion, a good MTU Hunter shouldn’t be afraid to converse with those around him while he is out on a hunt. Many new roads are opened up just by talking to people in this game, which can ultimately lead to more fun.

The first person to talk to me that night was notme7, a man with scary eyes who contacted my mission running alt in local to tell her that she looked cool.


..and people say I look creepy!

It wasn’t until after the MTU had been killed, and I’d returned to the station to stash the loot, that I was contacted by another local.

Symion Del’Vari > o/  Pix Severus
Pix Severus > Symion Del’Vari o/
Symion Del’Vari > Looking for structures today?
Pix Severus > yes, just popped an mtu in this system  Kill: Akza Agittain (Mobile Tractor Unit)
Symion Del’Vari > Ah stray MTU, just lazy.
Pix Severus > i got some really nice stuff from the mtu before that though  Kill: Febelstragen (Mobile Tractor Unit)
Symion Del’Vari > Damn.
Pix Severus > poor fellow must have died during his mission, and got sucked into his own mtu
Pix Severus > his mission was long despawned, couldve been weeks ago
Symion Del’Vari > yup, looks like it, thats a full fit and  Defective Current Pump  Armor Plates from the salvage
Pix Severus > yup, some of the crystals were used too
Symion Del’Vari > You get a lot of MTU work?
Pix Severus > i stopped ganking for a while because it got boring, repaired my sec status with tags, and pretty much all i do now is mtu popping
Pix Severus > keeps me busy

Symion Del’Vari seemed like a nice enough fellow, and I was more than happy to chat with him, especially as I’d had a couple of beers at this point.

Pix Severus > oh, ill show you the best mtu i ever found  Kill: Wulfgar WarHammer (Mobile Tractor Unit)
Pix Severus > similar story to the other one i think, sucked into his own mtu after dying in his mission
Symion Del’Vari > Imperial Navy Heat Sink  True Sansha Tachyon Beam Laser oh that hurts. lol
Pix Severus > yup, loot fairy was kind too
Symion Del’Vari > got thosse?
Symion Del’Vari > -s
Pix Severus > got the three guns and 1 heat sink
Pix Severus > made around 300m
Symion Del’Vari > oh, close to plexing for the month!
Pix Severus > aye not too bad, kills like those come around rarely though
Symion Del’Vari > I am surprised mission runners dont return for their MTUs though.
Pix Severus > i was too, but i had an interesting convo with a fellow whose mtu i popped that cleared things up for me
Pix Severus > he didnt know how to scan, and none of his characters had any scanning skills
Pix Severus > so they die in the mission, or hand the mission in to the npc prematurely, then they simply cannot find their mtu again
Symion Del’Vari > Ouch, I always mark mine, not that I leave MTUs laying about,.
Pix Severus > i mark every mtu i find too, makes for nice safespots
Pix Severus > lived as -10 in highsec for a while, kinda need all the bms all you can get
Pix Severus > -all, im drinking
Symion Del’Vari > drinking and MTUs killing, a combo! lol
Pix Severus > haha

We talked about a lot more than just MTU Hunting that night, from POS bashing, to manufacturing, to ganking, and beyond. I won’t post the entire thing, however, as this post would become far too long. After a while, notme7 joined the conversation.

Pix Severus > went for smoke
Pix Severus > yeah, but im supplementing it with skill injectors, and im trying to fix this char because his skills are a total mess
notme7 > yay another smoker o/
Pix Severus > o/  notme7
Pix Severus > so im just making a nuisance of myself, popping mtus in highsec while running missions, earning isk for those sweet skill injectors
notme7 > im odd i really like to mine lol
Pix Severus > i used to mine, but i stopped a few years back during hulkageddon when my alt lost some sweet hulks to gankers
Pix Severus > this was before CODE. and all that stuff
Symion Del’Vari > Yup, now it Macks or Skiffs
notme7 > ya i remeber hulk days, i just did missions during that time
Pix Severus > its crazy to think that more mining ships die now, after all exhumers/barges were buffed
notme7 > ya seeing alot of kills lately
Pix Severus > back in the day you could sneeze in the direction of a retriever and it would explode
notme7 > looool
Pix Severus > ive got to say, i should come out to the sticks more often, i never get to chat like this in the systems closer to jita/dodixie
Symion Del’Vari > notme7 owns this sytem, I just rent off him ;)

The conversation took many twists and turns that night, but ended up with us all setting each other blue.

Pix Severus > im adding you guys to blue btw, so rare to find people willing to chat in local these days, im not getting sentimental or anything, im just quite drunk
Symion Del’Vari > lol, earns us a blue! hehe
notme7 > to be honest u were red-orange- and now blue, sorry this is eve lol

The following day, I left Ahmak to continue hunting, but notme7 caught-up with me via EVE Mail later that day.


He has his own chat channel?

I joined his chat channel, and over the next few days I chatted with notme7, and his friends, and got to know them. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and I eventually found that rarely a day went by when I wasn’t chatting with notme7 in EVE.

His channel has grown a lot lately, with many of the locals from the area eventually finding their way to it after speaking with notme7 in local. One of the biggest impacts on the channel’s popularity was the introduction of Madenofpain, CEO of the corporation Gunsmith Kats [GNKT], who were operating out of the system next-door, Jarshitsan, at the time. Many of her corp members use the channel now which has resulted in it being much more active. Furthermore, they now operate out of a Citadel in Ahmak itself.

I still use the channel to this day, I post my MTU killmails in there at times when the chat has died down, to help stimulate further discourse. If you wish to join the channel, notme7 has assured me you will be most welcome, no matter what your chosen activities are in-game.

I’ve made a lot of friends in Ahmak, and I’ve had a lot of fun talking with them over the last few months, and to think it all started with finding an MTU on D-Scan in a quiet little system in the middle of nowhere.

5 thoughts on “Conversation of an MTU Hunter

  1. Pingback: Dedication of an MTU Hunter | MTU Hunter

  2. Sir, I dunno if you’re still around, but I absolutely love your stories! I stumbled across you while doing a search about MTU’s. I’m an older player comin’ back, and back when I played the MTU’s were new, and useful. Things have changed! I think I’ll sell the damn thing now!

    Oh, wait…yes…yes, I just looked to the top of this page. You have an entry on the 28th of Dec. You’re still around, I am definitely gonna sell the MTU I just bought!

    Ronnie Wyatt (in game)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am indeed still around, my good man. Welcome back to EVE.

      A little tip: If you want to use an MTU without someone shooting it, stay within 2500m of it and just scoop it when some dastardly rascal comes near! Also try not to forget where you left it, most of my MTU kills come from those that were abandoned.

      I hope to see you in space sometime! o/


  3. Pingback: Pix Severus was here o/ | MTU Hunter

  4. Pingback: A not-so-Empty You | MTU Hunter

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